Centralize your team knowledge...all of it

Create a library of knowledge cards from scratch or import data from hard-to-maintain spreadsheets.

Make team knowledge more useful

For each card, include additional information or attachments and create connections across your library.

Access team knowledge from anywhere

With ultra-powerful search, your team can easily access, share, and ask questions about cards directly from Wonderus or in Slack.

Understanding jargon is Wonderus

Don’t leave newcomers scratching their heads at team-specific acronyms. With Wonderus, you can quickly associate knowledge cards with common shorthand or a description to make onboarding a POC*!
(*piece of cake, of course).

Asking questions is Wonderus

If a team member is searching for knowledge not yet in Wonderus, they can easily request help from their team. By responding to team questions, your knowledge base will become even more valuable.

Analyzing trends is Wonderus

Want to know what your team has been wondering about recently? Detailed analytics provide you with the insights you need to better support and communicate with your team.

Secure, private data is Wonderus

Your team’s knowledge is yours, not ours. We keep your data secure on dedicated servers and will never sell that information to advertisers. And if we ever part ways, you can export your data to take with you.

You Are Wonderus.